
Everyone wants long-term success, here’s how to find it


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Do not underestimate the possibilities of developing a goal-oriented society. It’s one of the most influential tools in an entrepreneur’s toolbox to help guide your business toward long-term longevity and happiness.

Because let’s be honest – no one wants to be unhappy in their business. In this article, you’ll learn about the importance of building a community with a shared purpose and how this impacts the continued success of your business.

Entrepreneurial success is at the heart of purpose

I would like to see more purpose-driven companies being built in the world.

Purpose-driven companies are run by entrepreneurs who lead from the heart and with the conviction that their businesses do well in the world. The business solves an important problem – perhaps a societal or environmental problem. A purpose-driven business is not only based on profit, but on the change the entrepreneur wants to see in the world.

Surprisingly, my entrepreneurial journey did not start with a goal. I started with the idea of ​​starting a marketing agency and solving complex marketing problems. But as my business grew, I became less driven by profit and success. Over time, my main motivation became purpose, or the value I wanted to provide to the world. It doesn’t matter where you are in your business journey. You can take the alternative path and refocus your work on the goal.

Building a community of co-entrepreneurs with common goals has helped me forge this path to success. It is their inspiration, advice and support through difficult times that has kept me going for five years in the business. He remembers, 2 out of every 10 companies Fail in the first year of operation. If you get past this stage, you are thriving!

When you form a community with shared interests, you see more business ventures aligned with your values, better collaboration opportunities, and new service sectors emerging. Don’t intentionally underestimate the power of collaboration and alignment with other business leaders. Nurturing this community is a successful component of business growth, compared to organizational, marketing, and sales tactics.

Related: Why Goal-Driven Business Is the Real Key to Success

Identify your community

With whom will you build your goal-oriented community? This question is answered by defining your values ​​and purpose as an entrepreneur.

Start the process by defining the purpose of your business. It took me hours of thought to narrow down my purpose and values, which then crucially fed into my business. Personally, my goal is to make meaningful connections, lead by example and support marketers and creatives on their path to climate action – and to become a green marketer, someone who puts people and planet at the center of all their marketing campaigns.

Understanding my purpose has helped me meet a community of like-minded entrepreneurs interested in sustainability. It also helped me connect with them on a deeper level. When you have a common purpose, community connections become deeper, from transactions to building a collaborative world for the better.

Once you define your goal, find your community. The LinkedIn community is a great platform to connect with entrepreneurs and identify people who might share the same values ​​as you. It is truly the largest social media platform for business networking in the world 1 billion members. You can use the search function to locate members who are sharing and talking about topics similar to yours.

But being actively involved in the community will help you identify people with shared values. These individuals are pure gold and will help your business grow. They support your ideas, connect you to opportunities and move your industry forward. Remember, selecting a group is just the beginning. As mentioned, your long-term success comes from fostering relationships with those who have a common goal.

Related: 3 Reasons Why Purpose-Driven Companies Can Help You Find Better Employees, Mentors, and Investors

How to build a community with a common goal

Once you’ve built your bridge, you can follow these three paths to build a community of entrepreneurs with a shared purpose.

  1. Change your mindset: long term – To build a community, you must have the right mindset. First, put personal gain aside and focus on society. You’ll be surprised to see that a community-first mentality leads to more genuine connections that build long-term business growth. It also focuses your eyes on the future, and builds relationships that last for years and do not stop at the end of the deal.
  2. Contribute: Contribute — Contributing is another important step towards building a community of entrepreneurs with specific goals. You cannot demand value from others if you are not willing to step up and give value to yourself. Meaningful connections are made by offering a helping hand, bringing business opportunities to your community and offering collaboration opportunities. To build a community of shared purpose, you must embody your values ​​and practice them openly.
  3. Pass the torch: Champion other entrepreneurs — Long-term entrepreneurial success comes from taking yourself out of the equation. Your growth goals, objectives, and business strategy are not the most important things in the entrepreneurial circle. Support the work of others, provide referrals, and make meaningful connections.

Find entrepreneurs who have similar values ​​and a similar journey to yours. Then work to form a community of shared purpose with these entrepreneurs. It is the only business tactic that will bring you longevity and long-term business success.


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