
Apple lets iPhone users delete Safari and easily move to Android


Apple will soon make big changes to its mobile platforms in response to new regulations in the European Union called the Digital Markets Act (DMA).

Thanks to the DMA, the big tech companies identified as “gatekeepers” must open up their underlying platforms to competition or third-party alternatives. Case in point: Apple can no longer monopolize the distribution of apps on iOS in the EU through the App Store. This means, for example, that developers can distribute their apps through alternative app marketplaces on iOS, allowing them to evade Apple’s App Store content policies.

Apple unveils its first changes under the DMA

By now you’ve probably heard about Apple allowing the App Store to compete in Europe. It was Apple Criticize By Microsoft, Meta, Epic Games, and Spotify for the rules and policies regarding these “alternative markets.” (Apple instituted new and controversial DMA policies regarding Apple’s revenue share models, which have been the focus of criticism from peers.)

However, Apple is forced to make other, lesser-known changes to iOS that you may not be aware of yet.

On Thursday, the day the DMA officially took effect in the European Union, Apple published A compliance report detailing some of the upcoming changes it is making to its platforms due to these new regulations.

Here are some of the most notable changes that iPhone users in the EU can look forward to, brought to you by the DMA:

Choose your browser

After EU users update to iOS 17.4, RYou will be presented with several web browser options available in their markets.

As before, your iPhone is automatically set to Apple’s Safari web browser. To switch the default option to another option like Firefox, Google Chrome, or Opera, you will have to go to Settings to change it. Now, due to the DMA mandate, Apple will now require EU users to make a choice.

Developers will also have a choice as well. Previously, developers were only allowed to use Apple’s WebKit for browser apps and in-app browser experiences. Now, they can also use alternative web browser engines.

Delete the Safari app on iPhone

Speaking of Safari, have you ever tried deleting the app from your iOS device? You can not.

Well, that’s going to change soon – if you’re an EU user.

Apple announced in its DMA compliance report that it plans to allow users to completely delete the Safari app from their iPhones. Users were previously prevented from doing this because Apple’s web browser is too integrated with iOS. Apple is preparing to make this change now.

Interoperability: First, payments

Using Apple Pay is easy. Users can just scan their iPhone at the register and pay for their item using any number of payment options in their Apple Wallet.

Now, Apple will allow third-party payment app developers to access the NFC chip inside the iPhone, making it all possible. Soon, users will be able to use their iPhones to pay for products and services through a third-party payment app as well.

Apple says it will also consider other interoperability requests from developers on a case-by-case basis.

Easier transfers to Android and other mobile operating systems

Are you looking to leave your iPhone behind for a replacement, but feel stuck because of all the data you’ve tied up with Apple?

The DMA has prompted Apple to change this as well.

According to Apple, it is working to give mobile operating system providers like Android “more user-friendly solutions” for users seeking to transfer data from an iPhone to a non-Apple device.

Most of Apple’s changes affected by the DMA will be on the way later this year or early next year, according to Apple. The latest scheduled feature — an easier iPhone transfer — is currently scheduled to be released in fall 2025.


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