
AI company defends robot amid groping allegations


QSSThe artificial intelligence company responsible for the Saudi robot accused of groping a female reporter defended the robot’s actions, claiming that “there were no deviations from expected behavior.” The incident occurred during the DeepFest conference in Riyadh, where attendees were reportedly warned not to stand too close to the robot, known as “Android Muhammad.”

in A video clip depicting the incident, the robot is seen standing next to a robot dressed in women’s clothing and two reporters, one male and one female. The robot, Mohammed, appears to move towards the journalist, and briefly lifts the back of her jacket. Reporter Rawya Qasim was surprised and signaled to the robot to stop.

QSS suggested that the robot may have been trying to encourage Qasim to step forward onto the stage, which could prevent her from falling off a short pedestal. The company confirmed that it informed all attendees, including reporters, to maintain a safe distance from the robot during its presentation.

Despite the concerns raised by the incident, QSS conducted an internal review of the footage and circumstances, concluding that there was no unexpected behavior. However, the company stated that it will implement additional measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

QSS’s response parallels common defenses that arise in sexual misconduct allegations, where internal investigations often find no wrongdoing and victims are blamed. This incident highlighted the complexities surrounding human-robot interactions and emphasized the need for clear guidelines and safeguards in such interactions.

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