
Effective strategies for using temporary talent in research and development


How to scale your team with R&D staffing services

whether you Learning and development (L&D) In ​​a small, medium-sized or large organization, you will likely be called upon to address a common set of challenges. We all seem to face – at one time or another – the pressures of pressing deadlines, looming projects, skill gaps that arise from a special initiative, or the absence of a team member leaving for other opportunities.

Does your organization have a plan in place to scale your learning and development team and initiatives flexibly and quickly, in order to manage change?

One option to create flexibility is to use temporary staffing for learning, development and talent support. Temporary hires can help you scale development and delivery on a larger project, meet precise transformation requirements, or fill skills gaps. There are many benefits to having a plan in place for using a hybrid workforce—including temporary consultants when needed—to manage change, optimize your projects, and avoid staffing risks. It’s a valuable strategy, but many leaders have concerns. Often times, learning and development team leaders are reluctant to use temporary staffing services. Reasons for this may include:

  • The perception that a temporary employee may not have the necessary industry or organizational knowledge.
  • Concerns that the temporary employee will not integrate well with the team and may be unreliable.
  • Uncertainty and budgetary issues, with concerns about risks and unmanaged expenses.
  • Lack of knowledge about where to find effective temporary talent, creating a bottleneck in the process.

However, you can use temporary L&D staffing effectively, to your advantage. While you don’t need to outsource everything, you can use temporary hires strategically in the short term to add to your internal knowledge base, integrate seamlessly with your team, and add flexibility and capability to your output.

For example, you might choose a temporary rental Graphic designer To facilitate enhanced engagement and closer brand alignment within existing eLearning course offerings. Another option might be to hire someone with the technical knowledge to help update your LMS or author a course in Rise based on your internal team’s designs. You can also hire an instructional designer with the experience and knowledge to design a microlearning program based on your existing content. These are all good short-term options that can have lasting benefits for your internal team.

But how do you find the right L&D temporary employee or contractor? How will you find the right person to integrate them into your team? What about those other common concerns about budget and risk? Read on. We share the essential steps for using temporary talent. These best practices will help you manage recruiting, talent integration, overall strategy, and risk management.

5 Steps to Effectively Use Temporary R&D Recruitment Talent

1. Maintain the right SME knowledge base in your internal R&D team

It’s true: Outsourcing and using temporary talent requires that you have internal talent to manage the project, impart industry knowledge, answer questions about your systems and content, and have a high-level view of the desired learning experience. Bonus points if you have completed the interior Needs analysisorganize your content, and prepare a functional skills matrix to link required performance to results.

2. Develop a skills and/or work matrix through needs analysis

As mentioned above, you will need to prepare your learning initiatives with the information needed to prepare for the project. This repository of information—which can include analysis, matrices, surveys, and user data—will guide your learning design and identify gaps that temporary talent can fill. It can serve as a guidance document for any assistance you provide as well.

3. Plan your temporary talent onboarding process wisely

Once you identify the skill gaps you need to fill, you can determine how much direction you will need to give any temporary hires. In general, someone who comes in with a very specific and structured set of tasks may be given a shorter onboarding period that covers only their project area. Alternatively, if you are hiring someone who will have to do more critical thinking to design and solve problems, you will need to provide slightly longer training that includes more of the bigger picture. You also want to make sure that anyone you hire is integrated into the team and helps them know where to go to get needed information. It’s helpful to have someone on your internal team with management experience to facilitate the process, but it’s not always necessary.

4. Know your exit strategy

Clear and open communication will be key to your success throughout the project and in preparation for project conclusion. You will need to implement basic documentation strategies to minimize knowledge loss. Integrate design documents, content outlines, scripts, and other resources as a knowledge base for future reference.

5. Choose a provider with experience and a range of previous successes

It helps select talent with a proven track record of experience that demonstrates the ability to work flexibly, absorb new information quickly, and contribute effectively to complex projects. If you’re not sure how to go about the search and hiring process, it’s helpful to outsource the hiring process to recruiters who have knowledge and a proven track record in learning and development. If you don’t have the resources to conduct training for temporary employees or need help finding the right person, using a staffing service with experienced learning and development professionals can save you time and money, as well as reduce risk.

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The experts at AllenComm solve business problems with beautiful, personalized learning solutions. We bring creativity to instructional design. We change behaviors and influence choices. We’re building better training.


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