
Combining different instructional design models


A comparative analysis of four different models of instructional design

In education and training, instructional design takes learning experiences to another level by removing confusion and adding easy-to-understand elements. In short, instructional design models are the secret behind every effective unit. Now, what if you could take the best features from different identity models and create something uniquely designed to suit your needs? Each model brings its own strengths and weaknesses to the table. For example, the Dick and Carey model might be for planners, while the SAM model is for those who can adapt quickly. So, combining elements from different models is like crafting your own recipe for success. Below, we’ll take a look at the similarities and differences between four different instructional design models—Dick and Carey, Kemp, Action Maps, and SAM models—and find the perfect combination that will take your instructional programs to the next level.

Similarities between models


Whether you decide to follow the Dick and Carey model or action mapping, all of these models are learner-centered. This means that their step-by-step principles and guides require instructional designers to research learner needs and preferences and incorporate elements that meet them. The ultimate goal of each model is to create an optimal learning experience, allowing learners to guide the way.

Systematic approach

Each template aims to design the unit perfectly, which is why they all have clear guidelines. No matter which option you choose, you know that it will serve as your map for creating high-level content. This is called a systematic approach, and you will need to follow each outlined step carefully to achieve the best results.

Goal oriented

Having a map also includes knowing where you are going. This is where goals come into play, and fortunately, the four different models are all about setting clear goals. For example, Dick, Carey, and Kemp’s models and action maps have a separate step for setting educational goals, while the SAM has a preparation phase that includes setting goals, among other things.

Iterative design

As mentioned, all four models aim for perfection, but how do you ensure it? With review and improvement. Continuous improvement is key to all of these, which encourages monitoring the learning process, receiving and applying feedback, and even double-checking everything once it’s created.


Of course, all the focus on ensuring quality and effectiveness can only lead to one thing: maximum engagement. Learners appreciate careful design and meaningful lessons, and thus become more invested in the process. Whatever instructional design model you choose, if you follow it all the way, learners are more likely to be actively engaged and enjoy navigating through each unit.

Main differences

Dick and Carrie model

Dick and Carrie’s model follows a structured, structured approach that’s perfect for people who like to plan. It is technically the most rigorous of the four models, because it requires you to analyze everything in detail before you start carefully planning the design of your courses. It provides a comprehensive result. However, if you want to work on more creative endeavors, this may not be the best option.

Kemp’s design model

This model allows for more creativity than other models. It focuses on nine elements that allow you to work on every aspect of your project, giving you the freedom to experiment. The downside is that units designed using Kemp’s model may be less structured and may be interpreted differently.

Mapping Action by Cathy Moore

Action mapping, as the name suggests, is about action and impact. Instructional designers need to create their projects with real-life applications in mind, so they must select appropriate tasks for each lesson. Learners tend to find these modules more important, as they can actually use their knowledge in their daily lives rather than just exploring theory. The drawback is that it may not be suitable for projects with a broader audience. For example, your employees have diverse roles, so it may be difficult to create activities that promote practicality.


SAM offers the best instant experience among all four models. It focuses on iterative design, which means you’ll need to work on your project over and over again, each time including feedback and suggestions to make it as close to perfection as possible. This makes it a flexible model, as you can adapt to any changing situation and learning needs. But make sure you manage each change carefully and monitor its progress.

How to combine different instructional design models effectively

Analysis approach

Now that you know the similarities and differences between the models, it’s time to understand how you can choose which elements to combine from each to create an approach that best suits your needs. Let’s say you want to create a project for an organization. You want your learning program to be based on careful planning, but because the company’s needs may change over time, you must also add an element of adaptability. In this case, you will use Dick and Carey’s comprehensive analysis to better understand the context and combine it with iterative SAM design to immediately improve things.

Design strategies

Regarding the design process, you can combine models depending on the nature of the project. For example, you are asked to create modules that match different learning preferences. Some learners prefer visuals, others prefer text, and others enjoy the hands-on approach. You want to explore as many possibilities as possible, so you can follow Kemp’s design model and its nine elements that each contribute differently to the project. Now that you have your options, you want to make them applicable to real life, so you must combine them with an action planning approach to ensure impact.


You don’t have to mix everything. You can choose your own model and then add a little power to another model. For example, you want to develop modules for an educational facility that always welcomes new students. Therefore, your courses should be scalable and adaptable to different needs. No matter which model you choose, you’ll want to add the agility aspect of SAM, which can give you the freedom to add elements, improve your work, and keep improving things as many times as needed to make your software flawless.


As an instructional designer, it’s okay not to be an expert on everything. You have to do a lot of research and experimentation to explore different approaches and see where certain elements can be useful in your business. Don’t be afraid to combine seemingly different instructional design models and be creative so that your educational programs match the learner’s needs.


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