
Updated stock market forecasts for 2024


The bull market continues to rage as the S&P 500 (SPY) reaches new highs. This is the past… The question is what does the future hold? That’s why Steve Rittmeister, a 44-year investment veteran, offers updated 2024 stock market forecasts to help you chart a path to outperformance through the rest of the year. Read below for the full story.

Let me know if you see the pattern…

2019 bull market

Bear market 2020

2021 bull market

2022 bear market

2023 bull market

Based on the above, the logical question that should come to everyone’s minds is…Will the bear market return in 2024?

This led to a brand new presentation being recorded this week covering vital topics including:

  • How did we get here?
  • What comes next?
  • Standard & Poor’s 500 (spy) End of year goal
  • Trading plan
  • 12 best stocks to buy now
  • And much more!

You can access this vital presentation now by clicking below:

Updated 024 Stock Market Forecast>

Let me pull back the curtain on this presentation a little more so you can appreciate why now is the perfect time to watch this presentation…

The goal was to give you a strong start to outperform the rest of the year.

First, we need to appreciate the ease it has been this year given the 46% gain from the bottom of the bear market.

Second, many market segments are not only fully valued…But completely overrated.

Therefore, this means that the path to future outperformance is to invest in the many sectors and stocks that have lagged behind.

Fortunately, we have a great advantage with our POWR Ratings model of finding companies with healthy growth that are trading at a discount.

Focusing on these stocks has produced a 31% return since the beginning of November, significantly outperforming the broader market.

Now I’m focusing on 12 stocks that have the right ingredients for big gains the rest of the year.

All this and more awaits you in my new show. So, just click below to start watching now:

2024 Stock Market Outlook Update>

Wishing you a world of investment success!

Steve Rittmeister
…but everyone calls me Riti (pronounced “right”). CEO and Editor Reitmeister total return

SPY shares were trading at $521.56 per share on Friday morning, down $0.64 (-0.12%). Year-to-date, the SPY is up 10.07%, versus a 10% rise in the benchmark S&P 500 over the same period.

About the author: Steve Rittmeister

Steve is known to the StockNews audience as “Reity.” Not only is he the CEO of the company, but he also shares his 40 years of investment experience in… Reitmeister Total Return Portfolio. Learn more about Reity’s background, plus links to his latest articles and stock picks.


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