
How Sunny Lee practices self-care as she heads toward the 2024 Paris Olympics


“I focus a lot on skincare when I’m at home,” she revealed. “I love doing my hair and makeup. It’s a lot of fun.”

And while the Minnesota native is looking forward to it Kylie Jenner And a TikTok star Monet McMichael For beauty tips, Sony also has some of her own. In fact, her two must-have products for post-gym recovery are Aquaphor and Batiste Sweat Activated Dry Shampoo, which she describes as a “game changer” after long workout days.

She continued: “I don’t have to wash my hair often, which is ideal.” “It lasts all day and is very refreshing because it smells so good.”

And not having to worry about her hair helps Sunny stay laser focused on competing for a spot on Team USA. During her time on the 2021 team – which also included Simone Biles, Jade Curry, Jordan Chile, Grace McCallum And Mikala SkinnerShe won three medals, including a gold medal or all-around performance.

And it’s not over yet. As she puts it, “I focus on identifying skills and raising my difficulty level.”

However, when the Olympics are over, Sonny is looking forward to a break – and perhaps some trips to Greece and Thailand.

“I can’t wait to let my body rest,” she admits. “This will be like my time on vacation, unrelated to gymnastics, getting away from gymnastics for a while. I think it will be good for my body and my mental health.”


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