
How do you ask in a job interview if the company is going to lay off workers?


It’s the question every job seeker is eager to ask: “Are layoffs coming?”

And for good reason: Thousands of workers in media, technology, logistics and many other industries lost their jobs last year.

No hiring manager or recruiter can guarantee that layoffs will never happen, of course, and even the most stable companies face the risk of cutting jobs. But with the right approach, candidates can validate an organization’s commitment to its employees and place themselves in a role that’s built to last.

Can you ask about layoffs in a job interview?

The short answer is yes, says Brian Creeley, founder Life after demobilization, who spent 20 years as a recruiter for companies like Amazon and Ford Motor Company before becoming a career coach. “It’s a very valid question [a] “This is a very valid concern,” he says. There’s also the old adage, “You should interview a company as much as they interview you” to take into account.

But how you phrase the question is important. “You don’t want the conversation to get too negative,” says career and women’s life coach Mandy Steinhardt.

You also need to prepare yourself not to answer. Some hiring managers may avoid asking the question out of fear, or because of company policy, while others may not know enough about the current state of the company to answer it correctly.

How to deal with the topic of layoffs in a job interview

Suppose you cannot in good conscience pursue a job unless you are sure it will be available within six months. Here’s the best way to deal with this issue.

Do your research first

Researching a company before interviewing is a common practice, not only because it makes you look good, but because it helps you ask questions that get to the heart of any hesitations you may have about a role. When you come to the discussion prepared, the interviewer is more likely to take your questions seriously.

Start with the organization’s financial statements. After all, if they don’t bring in money, they won’t be able to keep their employees. Browse websites like Seeking alpha or Pitch book, or tracking the stock market, can give you an idea of ​​a company’s revenue and financing, as well as any upcoming or recent mergers or acquisitions. “When they get another [company] “Or when they get acquired, it’s a good time for them to lay off workers,” Steinhardt says. “In fact, every time I’ve been laid off from a company, which is three times [times] Now, it was always because I joined either while they were acquiring a company or while they were being acquired.”

Employment tracker such as warning And anonymous forums such as Aquarium or Glassdoor are also great resources for finding out if a company has had layoffs in the past and how it handles breaking news for employees.

You’ll also need to learn about their growth, goals, and consumer audience. If they’re growing unusually quickly or don’t have a clear business model, or their competitors or similar companies are experiencing layoffs, these could be red flags that they’re next to make cuts. Additionally, a huge investment or a lot of talk about AI may mean that they plan to replace headcount with technology in the future.

On the other hand, green flags may include a diversified revenue stream, a loyal customer base, and/or a historically consistent growth rate. “If the person you’re replacing gets an internal promotion, that’s definitely a good sign that he values ​​his employees and continues to push them higher,” Steinhardt adds.

Connect with former or current employees in your network

Before going to the hiring manager, it’s a good idea to try to contact someone who works or has worked at the company. “Someone else at a peer level can be more direct with you, and you with them,” Steinhardt says. They can also highlight other important factors, such as culture or work-life balance.

Choose the right moment to ask the question

When in the process you ask about layoffs, it depends on how you generally feel about the position, says career counselor Jenny Voss. If you have a lot of options available or aren’t desperate to leave your current role, you can take up this topic in your initial phone screen.

“But if you’re someone who wants to make sure they feel good about you and your abilities and fit before you start asking tough questions, I would wait a little longer,” says Voss, such as after you’ve gotten to know the hiring team or received an offer.

Link your question to your research

If you ask a hiring manager, “Do you expect layoffs in the future?” They’ll probably ignore it or say, “Of course not.” That’s why it’s important to ask more probing questions (backed by pre-interview research) that highlight any risks associated with landing the job.

For example, if the company has just laid off workers, you might ask: “What has changed at the business since you reduced headcount that necessitated more hiring?” Or, if this is a fill-in-the-blank, you’ll want to ask why the former employee left and where they went to gauge whether they were unhappy or feeling disturbed.

For a new position, you’ll need to know whether the company is making a long-term investment, or whether it will go out of business at the first sign of failure. You can ask: “How does this role fit into the company’s broader strategy or goals for the next year or five years?”

If the larger industry takes a hit, it’s important to understand how it pivots (or pivots) to stay afloat. For example, you could ask: “What safeguards have you put in place in the event of another economic downturn/pandemic?”

Only you can decide whether the answer about future layoffs is adequate, or whether the perks of the job outweigh its red flags. When you can, experts agree, be selective. “One bad job tends to follow another bad job,” Creeley says.

The opportunities a role presents often carry more weight than its longevity. “Thinking about how you can grow as a result of coming to this company rather than worrying about whether they’re going to lay you off means you’re always in a position to get to that next level no matter where you end up.” Steinhardt says.

Voss suggests that if you’re really worried about joining an unstable company, give in to the fear. In other words, think about all the possible outcomes — whether it’s layoffs or something else, like a team restructuring or your boss leaving — and come up with a plan for each. “Deal with the worst-case scenarios and make some decisions ahead of time: ‘If this happens or if this happens again, here’s how I’m going to respond,'” she says.

Steinhardt adds that ultimately, although you can’t control what happens at your next job, you can control whether you let it stop you from moving forward in your career. “The most important thing you can do is keep improving your skills, keep learning, and really dedicate yourself to bringing value back to the company.”


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