
In-depth analysis of the Dick and Carey model


What you need to know about the Dick and Carrie model

The Dick and Carey model of instructional design, also known as the systems approach model, focuses on structured lesson planning. Includes 8 principles to help you know what to teach and how to teach it. And the best part? All of these steps are interconnected, with some influencing others. Let’s delve into the analysis of the Dick and Carey model and examine its basic methodologies.

History and development

In 1978, a book entitled Systematic design of education It was published by Walter Dick and Lou Carey. She presented a model called the Dick and Carey model, which looks at instructional design as a system rather than as individual parts. This model believes that all the different elements in the design process work together to achieve great results. These elements are context, content, learning and teaching. According to Dick and Carrie, the teacher, learners, learning materials and activities, and the delivery and learning system all contribute to achieving desired outcomes.

The eight basic principles

1. Methodological design

When you start creating engaging lessons, design is the first thing that comes to mind. Dick and Carrie’s model encourages you to think systematically about this step, which means you should ensure that each element has a purpose and contributes to the learning experience. This includes having an organized plan for each course according to its topic. Therefore, you need to set goals, organize your content, and carefully choose the strategies you will follow during the process. This model leaves nothing to chance; Instead, it’s all about planning and having a clear picture of each step you will follow. The result is lessons that are easy to understand, fun and informative for learners.

2. Analyze learner characteristics

You can’t create the perfect course if you don’t know your audience. You must conduct thorough research and analyze the characteristics of your learners to focus each element on them. First, you must consider learner profiles to make the learning experience as personalized as possible and meet the needs and preferences of your audience. For example, some learners may prefer visuals, while others focus more on practical methods. The Dick and Carey model helps you analyze learner characteristics in three ways. The first is through surveys, where you can directly ask learners about their preferences and current knowledge. The other is through feedback, which means you have to monitor it to find patterns like who succeeds in group projects and who is a solitary learner. Finally, you can review its past performance to see what types of units it is compatible with.

3. Determine educational objectives

Objectives are what guide your instructional design process, showing teachers, designers, and learners what they should aim to achieve. But how do you set goals effectively? First, define the learning outcome, i.e. what you want your learners to get out of it. It could be a new skill, a complex concept, or an awareness of an issue. Then, measure this outcome. For example, if you want learners to understand biases and discrimination, make the goal specific by targeting learners to learn about them, not just understand them. Also, don’t forget to make your goals as realistic as possible. It should challenge learners but still be achievable.

4. Organizing educational content

To better organize your content, you need to create a smooth flow with logically linked lessons. This way, it does not confuse learners, but rather guides them to build a strong foundation of knowledge. A carefully structured course requires that you start with the basics, such as an introductory lesson, and then continue through the core material while also ensuring that each lesson builds on the previous one. Curating content also involves considering the different ways people learn. Adaptive design, multimedia learning, and personalization are important here, as it allows you to combine different elements, such as text, video, and audio, to try to meet as many learners’ needs as possible.

5. Choosing educational strategies

Once you know everything, choose the strategy that will help you execute your plan. This strategy should take into account various factors, such as educational theories and learning models, which will help you design and deliver content in a way that resonates with learners. You also need to decide which delivery model works best for your learners. Do they prefer face-to-face interactions, or are they more comfortable with e-learning modules or written guides? Once you choose a delivery form, you can decide how to present the information. Use multimedia such as videos and images or include interactive features such as quizzes and assessments to keep learners engaged.

6. Development and implementation

Now it’s time to create the main educational content. This is where you take instructional strategy and develop actual materials that will help learners achieve their performance goals. It’s like building something from scratch, and you can either start from scratch or use existing materials and give it a new twist. Create eye-catching images, interesting slides, and interactive elements, and make sure you do them the right way with the right authoring tools.

7. Conduct formative assessment

After creating educational materials, it is important to ensure that they achieve the goal before using them. This is where assessment tests come into play. Dick and Carrie recommend using three types of formative assessment to make sure your content is up to date. The first type is individual assessment, where you test your materials with one individual at a time and discover any issues that might affect only one person. The second is a small group assessment. Here, you can test your materials with a few people at a time and identify common issues that might affect a group of people. The third type is field evaluation, where you test your content in real-world settings with a larger group of people. This type of assessment can help you identify any issues that may have slipped through the cracks in previous testing.

8. Summative assessment

According to Dick and Carey’s model, the design process actually ends at the previous step. However, this step is a post-implementation evaluation of the effectiveness of the learning experience. This is usually dealt with by an independent evaluator, who takes a close look at how successful the educational program has been and whether it has achieved its intended aims and objectives. So, this phase is all about collecting data and analyzing it to see how well your software is working. This may include getting feedback from learners, looking at test scores, or conducting surveys and interviews with stakeholders. The ultimate goal here is to identify areas for improvement and make any necessary adjustments to ensure the success of your future efforts.


One of the primary advantages of applying the Dick and Carey model is its detailed breakdown of the design and development processes. Its many steps can be especially useful for instructional designers new to the field, as it gives professionals plenty of opportunities to reflect on their work and continue improving as they go.

If you’re looking for more identity inspiration, check out our timeline of instructional design models and theories.


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