
NFX’s James Currier will break down the best players of early 2024 TechCrunch


Everyone has heard of minimum viable products (MVPs), which are the early versions of a future startup’s product that contain precisely what it needs to deliver value — and nothing more.

The hard thing is sorting out what He is Required in MVP and what’s weird. Building too much and the resulting delay to market can limit learning, leading to wasted development cycles. Build too little, and you can go to market without enough product to actually engage with potential customers. Get it Just The truth is difficult, but it can be very profitable.

That’s why I’m excited to announce NFX James Currier He will be coming to TechCrunch Early Stage 2024 in Boston to discuss how to build MVPs in today’s startup world.

Currier is a founding partner at NFX, an investment firm that owns… Several boxes of nine numbers Under her belt, she is a founder in her own right several times. Tickle foundations, which He says It has grown to 150 million registered users, as well as several other startups, including IronPearl, whose exit we covered in 2013.

Regular TechCrunch readers may recognize his company’s name, as we’ve covered several of its investments in recent years. Currier is also a regular attendee at our early stage event, thanks to his experience on both sides of the fundraising table.

If you want to get a head start on the encounter, TechCrunch has covered MVPs extensively over the years.

As with all early stage sessions, Currier will present and then answer audience questions. I moderate Currier’s Q&A and can’t wait to hear what you want to know — and what Currier’s response will be.

Our annual Early Stage conference is always one of the most rated events of the year, so grab a ticket and I’ll see you in Boston this April.

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