
Can you really come back from such a huge failure?


This week on Small business radio show, I offer a comeback story that every entrepreneur can tell. This story can’t help but put a smile on your faces.

Akeem Shannon He has had more than his fair share of failures and setbacks. But by failing over and over again, he found himself on his way to success. From college dropout to CEO of Inc Magazine, one of the top 50 fastest-growing consumer brands, Akeem shared his story with troubled third-graders and at an event at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History.

Here’s what we discussed:

What inspired you to persevere after suffering academic setbacks and losing your scholarship while at Howard University?

Can you share a pivotal moment or realization that prompted you to go from corporate success to pursuing your entrepreneurial vision? Flipstick?

You applied for the P. Diddy Pitch Contest but weren’t selected to pitch, so instead, enter the music contest and showcase your rap work. What happened?

In November 2020, when Akeem aired on Shark Tank, election week, his segment was interrupted by a speech by then-candidate Joe Biden, noting that the country still didn’t know who would be president. What happened?

How have your encounters with failure, such as a missed opportunity on Shark Tank, shaped your resilience and determination to keep moving forward?

In what ways has your background in sales and exposure to diverse industries influenced your approach to building Flipstik and navigating the business landscape?

What role has guidance and guidance played in your journey, especially when you have faced challenges or obstacles?

How have you balanced innovation and adaptability while scaling Flipstik’s growth, especially during pivotal moments like securing distribution in major retailers and launching new products?

In addition to success in business, she has actively advocated for inclusivity and equality in entrepreneurship. Can you share more about your efforts and initiatives to support underrepresented groups in the business world?

Listen to my full fascinating interview with Akeem Ali Small business radio show.

Photo: Akeem Shannon


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