
The dispute between OpenAI and Elon Musk, and Airship AI shares rise


Optimism in the American labor market: On Wednesday, the Labor Department reported that US job openings remained virtually unchanged in January with 8.86 million job openings. The number reflects a slight decline from 8.89 million in December, but is still high considering that monthly job openings never exceeded eight million before 2021. The number of layoffs and the number of Americans leaving their jobs have fallen, indicating a durable job market and a resilient economy despite… From rising interest rates. Rates. Full Story.

Airship AI shares rise: Shares of Airship AI Holdings rose 200% on Tuesday, making it one of the day’s best-performing stocks after announcing that its video and data management platform will now support the “public safety and emerging investigative requirements” of an unspecified Justice Department agency. The little-known technology company is small, has only three main products (Airship Acropolis OS, Airship Command, and Airship Outpost) and went public in December 2023. Full story.

Opening a dispute between artificial intelligence and Musk: OpenAI said on Wednesday that Elon Musk originally agreed that the company should be for-profit, just days after Musk sued the company for backsliding from its supposed initial goal of prioritizing the public good over profits. Musk funded the company during its launch, and his lawsuit alleges that OpenAI violated their agreement. Musk’s lawsuit also seeks to punish other companies, such as Microsoft, that have made profits from OpenAI technology. Full Story.

Meta lawsuit for human trafficking: Meta asked a judge to dismiss the lawsuit, filed last year by the investment funds, which alleges the company intentionally failed to protect its users from human trafficking and child sexual exploitation. The company says the suit should be dismissed because Meta did not suffer “corporate shock,” a requirement under Delaware law, while plaintiffs say Meta suffered lower stock prices and related legal costs and reputational damage as a result. The judge said he would wait to issue a ruling. Full Story.

Contaminated acne treatments: Benzene, a cancer-causing chemical, has been found in several acne treatments from Clinique, Clearasil and Up & Up (Target brand), according to independent US laboratory Valisure. Valisure said it has filed a recall petition with the US Food and Drug Administration against the products. While benzene is found in a variety of consumer products, Valisure said benzene levels in acne products “vary considerably.” Full Story.


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