
Using ChatGPT in Education: Effects of LLMs, Implications, Guidelines


How using LLMs like ChatGPT can change the future of education

I first encountered the complete AI tool on November 30, 2022, when I was introduced to ChatGPT. At first she rejected him and rejected him. Sometime in January 2023, at a cognitive workshop, ChatGPT was the main attraction, almost everyone considered it an adversary, and an air of dismissal was prevalent in the room. I decided not to use it because my colleagues had the same opinion. But there is a saying in English: “Man proposes and God disposes!” By March 2023, I realized my mistake when I tried it for the first time. It was so useful that I couldn’t resist using it. Today, it’s like an assistant who never takes a break and never needs a nap. The day is not far away when you will work while I sleep.

So, with ChatGPT, “Do I care?” Good, bad, or ugly, that’s the truth, like it or not; We need to upgrade our skills to keep you as the best assistant. In the past nine months, I have experienced rapid change, and my goal is to adopt practices that will help me deal with this change.

Change is inevitable

In recent years, artificial intelligence has transformed almost all professions. According to LinkedIn’s 2023 “Future of Work” report, from December 2022 to September 2023, discussions about AI increased by 70%. The report also indicated that there will be a change in skills for almost all job roles by 2030.

Last year, many of my friends were afraid of losing their relevance, their work, and their place in the world. But now they are more optimistic and self-confident. They are slowly realizing that AI tools do not pose a risk but help their work. AI tools can improve the quality and productivity of their work by integrating AI components into their tasks. Let us embrace AI tools with an open mind and make them serve you. They are not your competitors; They are facilitators of innovation. It’s just changing our traditional environment… our home, our social spaces, our work, and so much more. But it does not change the structure of our lives!

We just need to prepare for some major changes. Change is inevitable, and people must be prepared to face it.

Artificial Intelligence and Masters in Education: Uses and Impacts of ChatGPT

Now, let’s examine the impacts that tools like ChatGPT can have on education. Education as an industry is undergoing rapid change, and over the past two decades, it has been accelerating like a meteorite. What interests me most is the insistence of thought leaders on trying to improve learning during this period. Finally, we had the opportunity to see ChatGPT, which could disrupt the way students learn – in fact, learning without limits! Pandora’s box is now open! Do we expect problems?

As with other industries, people initially had the same opinion, but the point of view changed, and people in the educational sector fully embraced it. ChatGPT is one of the earliest large language models (LLMs) to hit the market. It is the most popular subject, and these LLMs are well suited to provide learners with limitless learning opportunities.

LLMs have the power to shape our future. They are gaining popularity and acceptance all over the world. But let me share with you the two incidents that made me write down my doubts about its use.

Example No. 1

The first concerns my daughter, a tenth grader. I have always been keen to experience new technological advances. So when I started using a well-known tool, I was very happy because I thought research could lead to better learning, and this tool does just that. However, last week I saw her requesting a tool to create a question paper for class 10. I was shocked by the lack of ethical behavior. When I asked her, she explained that others were doing the same thing and she shouldn’t be left out. It allowed her to continue searching for the elusive exam paper.

God, I pity you, the results presented were quite comprehensive; With some changes in the subject and exam features, I finally got the exam paper. A week later, when she took her prep exam, she was astonished to see an 85% identical result. This means that 100% of students will get 85% on their exams, which is the new zero. This is a type of inflation, and it is here to stay.

Example No. 2

But what about the hollowed-out minds in the process? The second example is the statement of the Secretary-General of the United Nations supporting the idea of ​​establishing a global regulatory body for artificial intelligence such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). “The latest form of artificial intelligence – generative AI – is ringing loud alarm bells… We must heed these warnings,” Guterres told reporters. He revealed plans to begin work on establishing a high-level AI advisory body to regularly assess AI governance arrangements and make suggestions on how they are compatible with human rights, the rule of law and the public interest.

People support the idea of ​​OpenAI proponents forming a body like the International Atomic Energy Agency that could impose restrictions on deployment, verify compliance with safety standards, and monitor the use of computing power. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has also supported the idea and wants Britain to be a leader in global AI safety regulations. So no peace on the Western Front!

People have understood the power of AI tools, and providing equal and structured access to everyone is key. As we all know, “equality of opportunity” and “democratization” are two ways of distributing power. Until any consistent decision is adopted worldwide, we need to moderate and propose a global framework for the ethical use of AI in education. So how does this affect education?

The impact of AI and LLM technologies such as ChatGPT on education

Advances in AI technology, especially MBAs like ChatGPT, have changed many aspects of our lives, including education. While these tools provide access to information and ease of use, they also create difficulties in terms of originality of student work, academic honesty, and accurate assessment of learning. The education industry needs to make a quick decision about the ethical use of AI before it is too late. Furthermore, ease of use has led to over-reliance, raising various concerns among teachers such as:

  • Can work produced with significant assistance from LLM holders be considered original?
  • Do students learn well with LLMs?
  • How can institutions ensure the integrity of academic work?

All of these concerns require a systematic approach and a global framework in educational settings. The framework maintains a balance between using the benefits of LLMs and supporting academic standards. This framework would ensure fairness in students’ academic endeavors and ensure equal and fair opportunities. In addition, the framework must be adaptable and include clear guidelines for effective supervision by any educational institution.

The integration of AI tools into education is inevitable and beneficial, but it requires careful management to maintain the integrity of academic work. I call on all academics around the world to contribute to this global framework.

Proposed guidelines on the use of LLMs

Below is a well-researched set of guidelines on using LLM in schools:

  1. LLM identification for students on school premises.
  2. Use LLMs as an additional tool, and everyone after Standard 8 will get monitored access.
  3. LLMs are only permitted for students in pairs using one device with a session monitoring feature.
  4. Use LLMs for primary research rather than as a source of content and add reference in the final write-up.
  5. Use LLMs to generate ideas and discuss them with your teacher to extrapolate them.
  6. Any use of the Master for academic work by students and teachers will be disclosed.
  7. Any content created by the LLM must be edited by the student before submission.
  8. Students should be prohibited from submitting content created by the LLM as their original work.
  9. Use LLMs to create assessment items.
  10. Use LLMs to increase feedback.

These guidelines are intended to help educational institutions formulate their academic policies along with disciplinary measures in case of non-compliance. To monitor and implement these guidelines, institutions must establish resources and mechanisms and conduct mandatory periodic reviews to accommodate technological and academic advances.

Final thoughts

And remember, AI tools will shape tomorrow’s workforce; They will run cities in the future, and every industry will involve artificial intelligence. It allows learning without limits.


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