
The best social media marketing platform


Comparing Facebook and YouTube for marketing your eLearning business

Did you know that 84% of people use social media before making a purchase? Social media platforms can help you boost brand awareness, engage with your audience, and gain important consumer and competitive information. With so many social media platforms available today, it is essential to choose the ones that will lead to your social media marketing success. Facebook and YouTube are two popular social media platforms with millions of active users. They allow companies to communicate with the market and target audience to market their products or services.

Choosing between YouTube and Facebook as a platform depends on your target audience, content type, goals, and overall strategy. Each platform has its strengths and characteristics. The platform you use can be influenced by factors such as industry, audience, and brand. This article will discuss which Social media marketing Which platform is best for your startup: FB or YouTube.

Some social media marketing statistics

  • Every day, an average adult in the United States spends 2.25 hours on social media.
  • Every month, Facebook users click on an average of 12 Facebook ads.
  • When they receive a response to their tweets, nearly 80% of Twitter users feel more positive about the company.
  • 81% of people use Instagram to search for products and services.
  • Four out of five LinkedIn users influence company choices.
  • 46% of TikTok users use the app without distraction.
  • Over 70% of people who have a positive experience with a company on social media will promote that company on their networks.

What is the most popular social media platform?

With 2.9 billion monthly active users (MAUs), Facebook is the most popular social media network in the world. After Facebook, the most popular social sites are YouTube, WhatsApp, and Instagram.

Facebook vs. YouTube: Facebook as a viable social media marketing platform

Facebook has more than 2.7 billion monthly active users, making it the most popular social media platform in the world. It allows businesses to create a page to post updates, interact with consumers, and market their products or services. Setup takes just a few minutes, and once you upload a few photos, you can start attracting followers from Facebook users.

Facebook also has an effective advertising platform that allows businesses to target specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. As a result, if they have an internet connection, you can find almost everyone on Facebook. This means that almost everyone in your customer base has a Facebook account, which is why Facebook is the most popular social media platform for businesses.

Thanks to the massive reach of Facebook, you can turn your customer base into a community. Contests, quizzes, videos, photos, and other short posts work well on Facebook. Text updates can also keep your fans in the loop, but they won’t perform as well as photos or videos. You can also use Facebook to promote new content you’ve developed to drive traffic to your site.

Facebook is an excellent social media marketing platform to:

  • Announce changes in hours, events and landmarks.
  • Hold discussions and live broadcasts.
  • Building relationships with existing clients.
  • Marketing to baby boomers.

Facebook statistics

Facebook is still an advertising juggernaut. Whether or not brands should focus on Facebook is a tough question that really depends on your Facebook metrics. The following Facebook statistics will help you learn more.

  • Facebook is the most used platform for marketers worldwide (90%). Instagram is in second place (79%).
  • With approximately 2.96 billion monthly active users as of Q4 2022, Facebook is the world’s largest online social network.
  • 70% of American adults use Facebook.
  • The average American spends 33 minutes a day on Facebook.
  • According to available gender data, 56.6% of Facebook users are men and 43.4% are women.
  • Nearly a quarter of Facebook users in the United States are between 25 and 34 years old.

Facebook is still a favorite among marketers. This is not surprising, given the platform’s massive reach. Furthermore, the increasing average age indicates that more users hold high-level positions in career decision-making.


  • Great for interacting with customers
  • Targeted ads
  • Powerful analytics
  • Reach a wide audience


  • It requires consistent engagement
  • Little or no control if a page hangs
  • Advertising requires a larger budget

Facebook vs. YouTube: YouTube as an effective social media marketing platform

YouTube has over 2 billion monthly active users and is the second most popular social media platform. Unlike Facebook, YouTube is a video sharing network that allows companies to submit movies, tutorials, and other content to engage with their audience. YouTube is also owned by Google, which means videos uploaded to the platform can appear in Google results, making it a powerful SEO tool.

YouTube is popular for comedy and music, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use it for business. Educational videos, product reviews, and similar types of content perform incredibly well on YouTube, especially when educating a specific segment of your target market. Plus, after you create a video, it will appear in Google and YouTube search results, and you can promote it on other social media sites. When educating your clients, you can’t beat YouTube.

It is best for:

  • Tutorials, how-tos and explainer videos
  • Live streaming on YouTube for shopping
  • Advertising (video ads and display ads on the platform)
  • SEO (Video dominates the “how to” SERPs!)

YouTube statistics

The world’s second-largest search engine is making big changes to compete with emerging platforms like TikTok. Here are the most important YouTube statistics you should be aware of.

  • YouTube has more than 2.5 billion users worldwide as of January 2023. However, the number of active users of the platform decreased by 48 million in the past year.
  • YouTube short videos get 30 billion views daily from users all over the world.
  • According to available gender data, 12% of YouTube users are men between the ages of 25 and 34, while 9% are women of the same age.
  • People spend an average of 19 minutes a day watching videos on YouTube.
  • Nearly 90% of all YouTube visitors are from mobile devices.

Despite a slight decline in growth this year, YouTube is still the most popular video sharing network among users. Marketers will benefit from providing more short-form vertical content on the platform as more consumers visit the app on mobile.


  • Videos complement other marketing strategies well.
  • Videos lead to more conversions.
  • A great way to show your brand’s personality.


  • Users have high expectations regarding visual/audio quality.
  • Videos can take longer to produce results.
  • Arranging your video can be difficult.

Which SM marketing platform is better for your eLearning business, Facebook or YouTube?

Facebook and YouTube both have huge fan bases, but their demographics differ. Facebook’s audience is slightly older, with a higher percentage of users between the ages of 30 and 49. This makes it an excellent platform for businesses targeting older customers. YouTube, on the other hand, has a younger audience, with a higher percentage of users between the ages of 18 and 24. As a result, it is an excellent platform for businesses targeting a younger demographic. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key factors:

1. Content type

Facebook is a platform that allows businesses to post different types of content, including text, photos, and videos. Although videos can be posted, they are often not the primary focus of the platform. On the other hand, YouTube is a video sharing site, and businesses must focus on creating high-quality videos to succeed. YouTube is an ideal platform for businesses that provide visual content such as tutorials or product demos.

2. Participation

Both systems enable companies to interact with their target audiences, but the type of engagement differs. Engagement on Facebook is frequently expressed through comments and likes on posts. Engagement on YouTube is often in the form of video views, comments, and likes. Due to the nature of the platform, businesses that prioritize engagement can find that YouTube has a more engaged audience.

3. Advertisement

YouTube and Facebook both have powerful advertising platforms that allow businesses to target specific audiences based on interests, behaviors, and demographics. However, they differ in the types of ads they provide. Facebook has a range of ad styles, including video ads, carousel ads, and image ads. YouTube, on the other hand, offers video ads and image ads. YouTube is the obvious choice for businesses focused on video advertising.

4. Search engine optimization

When it comes to SEO, YouTube has a huge advantage. Videos posted on the site may be displayed in Google search results, allowing businesses to reach a larger audience. Facebook offers a different benefit, making it a less suitable platform for businesses that prioritize SEO.

Finally, the ideal social media platform depends on your content and target audience. If your content is compatible with short videos, live streaming, and community sharing, Facebook could be a perfect fit. YouTube may be a better fit if you primarily create video content and want to take advantage of YouTube’s search and revenue potential. Whether you can use both platforms simultaneously, tailoring your content to each audience’s behaviors and performance is worth considering.


Both Facebook and YouTube offer unique benefits to businesses, and the choice ultimately depends on the company’s goals and target audience. YouTube is the ideal platform for businesses that prioritize video content and engagement. Facebook can be a better option for businesses that prioritize advertising and have an older target demographic. Finally, the most effective social media strategy will likely combine both platforms.


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