
How to use Reddit for content marketing


Modern-day marketers have become entrenched in a plethora of social networks, analytical tools, trade publications, and more. We are constantly looking for better ways to research, create and promote.

But where do these ideas come from? Where can we draw more ideas?

One often overlooked but extremely useful medium for marketers is Reddit; A veritable treasure trove of information for marketers about trends, customer sentiment and pain points. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of subreddits, or individual forum-style boards/communities, dedicated to almost any topic you can think of. No matter what your poison is, you can find a place for it on Reddit.

The anonymous environment allows users to express themselves freely, whether it’s aggressive but constructive criticism, or just friendly pointers. As someone who has been on the platform for almost 4 years, I can tell you that there are some incredibly talented and wise minds lurking throughout the subreddits. I’ve made connections, participated in content marketing projects, advertised, and even gotten crowdsourced on Reddit.

The benefits of regularly using Reddit for content marketing may surprise you. Let’s explore it:

A goldmine of ideas

Reddit can be extremely valuable to marketers, provided you know what to look for. Their value has everything to do with how the platform works and how we use the platform. Don’t get confused. We don’t consume media. Rather, we analyze it.

Content is voted on, which directly affects its visibility. If they are not particularly relevant or interesting, they receive downvotes that push them further and further down the funnel. If the community deems it worthy, they will push it with upvotes, pushing it to the top level of the list. In this regard, you can find out what is popular and most important to the community through the top-ranked posts.

Each post, photo, or piece of content has a dedicated comments section that allows Reddit users to comment on the discussion. Most importantly, this is the place where you can find customer reviews, public opinion and complaints on various topics.

For example, marketers in the gaming industry who frequent the “gaming” subreddit will find a lot of information about their titles. They can easily find consensus on what the community thinks about different elements of the game. If a community doesn’t like their game, they can also find a lot of strong points as to why that is. This in turn would help them create a better title and market it in the future, provided they learn to listen to their customers. Keep in mind that this same example can be modified to fit any market or business.

The important thing to remember is that not all content has to be on the first page to be successful. Reddit is very different from most social media networks and SEO. You don’t have to worry about being the top post in the stream. You’re better off targeting smaller groups and submitting your content and posts to the subreddit that fits your brand best.

When it comes to marketing, this aspect of using Reddit can help you focus more on what’s important. This will help you get better at shedding excess fat, so to speak. You’ll quickly learn what type of content is worthwhile for a demographic or community, and what isn’t. You’ll learn that relevance is more important than size and how to choose more relevant topics.

Community centered

Reddit is for the community. This means that people using the platform are not afraid to express their true opinions and participate in the discussion. You might see some of this in a brand or company forum, sure, but it will largely be filtered out there.

However, on Reddit, you have access to pure, real discussions, the kind that most people have in their daily lives with friends, family, or colleagues (admittedly, some of this stuff can be NSFW).

One of the most defining features of Reddit is the extremely quick ability for users to band together in support of a cause or charity.

Rest assured, if you want to know what a specific demographic or audience thinks about a topic, you can head to reddit.

GummySearch It is an AI-powered audience research tool for Reddit. The tool helps:

  • Perform customer discovery (e.g. finding pain points and solution gaps)
  • Search Reddit easily with advanced filters
  • Track related keywords and brand names
  • Extract insights from Reddit posts in bulk

Your first step is to search Reddit using one or more keywords and select subreddits:

For each topic, you can see a quick summary and click a link to share on Reddit. Overall, it is an effective tool to monitor target subreddits and participate in those discussions that discuss topics where your product is relevant.

Use the tool to research pain points, brainstorm content ideas, and generate sales leads.

Discover trends and memes

Since most subreddits have active communities, they’re a great place to discover emerging trends, memes, or what-have-you. Redditors love to constantly replicate memes, which often go viral. Additionally, the types of collective opinions and ideas you can gather will show signs of emerging trends.

As a marketer, this should help you stay on top of your game in terms of popular content. If you stick with it, it should also teach you how to better spot trending trends.

For example, some trends and memes seem to have an initial spark, before taking off soon after. Other trends appear seemingly out of nowhere. By being active in communities like these, some of which happen to be the birthplaces of said trends, you can analyze and identify the different elements that go into a trend’s emergence. If you want to know what goes into creating viral content, Reddit is the place for you.

It’s also a great way to Create an attractive newsletter By regularly covering trends you find on Reddit.

Of course, there are absolutely no guarantees, because some trends are completely unpredictable. However, this does not mean that there is nothing to learn from them.

Teaching consistency

Reddit is not a social platform that you will take advantage of right away. To benefit from it, you have to stay consistent and stick with it. You need to frequent the same subreddits, give advice and participate in discussions. This increases your reputation, which is referred to as “karma” on Reddit.

If you want to show your bosses that you’re getting something tangible out of the box, create a spreadsheet and start recording the information. Make a list of the best types of content and analyze the components that made it popular, for example;

  • timing
  • Context
  • Type of media used
  • Relevance
  • the address
  • publisher

Patterns will quickly emerge and we will be able to determine what types of content our budgets can cover. In turn, we go into the creation phase knowing that there is already validation for the type of content we are creating. In the same vein, we could simply ask others if “this is something they might be interested in” and keep a record of the answers.

The important thing is to start sharing now. You’ll gradually begin to understand the social norms of the subsites you subscribe to, and eventually formulate your own tactics to extract value for your next campaign.

Photography by Brett Jordan

Image: Deposit images


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