
How Kate Middleton’s story went so amazingly off the rails


Other than that canceled engagement, William has been sticking to his official schedule, and the 42-year-old future king has been engaging in light banter to maintain his familiar image.

Decorating cakes at a youth center in London, he told the group around him: “My wife is the arty one,” and “My children are more artistic than me.”

Also on that day, Kensington Palace was rebuked by AFP in the wake of the family photo debacle.

“At this moment, Agence France-Presse trusts the photos published by… [Kensington] The palace has been hacked,” AFP’s global news director Phil Chetwynd He said in a statement to E! News. “We cannot say that they are a reliable source for the published images. We still need further clarifications.”

This does not mean that the agency will not accept photos of minors. Instead, Chetwynd explained, they would be “subject to intense scrutiny and editorial checks.” He said that he considered “questioning future interactions to be normal journalistic practice.”

But Chetwynd added that AFP hopes to “rebuild that trust over time.”


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