
The highs and lows of Oprah Winfrey’s 50-year weight loss journey


But by then, the Internet had another role in her journey. What’s the story with Winfrey and her diet? Instead of drawing harsh criticism (in her last special, Winfrey called weight jokes a “national sport” for 25 years), this time there was frustration with what was seen as her obsession with thinness.

But Winfrey stressed that maintaining her health was her primary goal.

“This whole PC is about accepting yourself as you are, you should 100 percent,” she told The New York Times. times In 2017. But at that precise moment I got the call [from WW] I was desperate: what to do? I tried all the green smoothies and protein shakes and let’s do cleanses and all that stuff. this is not working. Does not last. What will be consistent, keep me aware and aware?

“To all the people who say, ‘Oh, I need to accept myself as I am’ — I can’t accept myself if I weigh 200 pounds, because that puts too much pressure on my heart,” Winfrey said. “It gives me high blood pressure. It puts me at risk for diabetes, because I have diabetes in my family.”


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