
Telegram’s peer-to-peer SMS login service is a privacy nightmare


Telegram has introduced a controversial new feature that gives users free premium membership in exchange for allowing the instant messaging app to use their phone numbers as a transmitter to send one-time SMS passwords to other users trying to log into the platform, raising concerns about potential privacy risks and exposure of personal information.

The feature, which was first spotted by TGInfoEn Telegram channel (via reverse engineering AssembleDebug), is rolling out in select countries for Telegram for Android users. If you agree to let Telegram use your number as a one-time relay (OTP), the company will send you a transferable code for Telegram Premium.

Terms of Service for that Peer-to-peer login software notes The company will send a maximum of 150 one-time messages per month. Participating users, who may also be charged for local and international SMS use, will have to reach a certain quota to be able to benefit from the free subscription. Monetarily, you may end up paying more on your phone bill than the value of a Telegram premium membership.

Then there’s the big issue of privacy, which allows strangers to look up your number and use it for spam and fraud. Telegram allows users to hide their phone numbers from strangers, but using your number as a relay could allow them to look up your Telegram account.

The terms state that people participating in the program will not hold Telegram liable for any damages and grant the company absolute compensation for all claims related to peer-to-peer login.

“You acknowledge and agree that Telegram will have no liability for any costs, expenses, damages, or any other negative or unforeseeable consequences that you may incur as a direct or indirect result of your current or past participation in the P2PL Program,” it reads.

Telegram tells users not to engage with people who receive an OTP code from their numbers, but there is no way to enforce this.

The company launched a subscription service two years ago with features like copies, exclusive stickers, reactions, and other customizations. Telegram has introduced features like Stories for paid users. However, users who choose a peer-to-peer login system have to consider whether giving their phone number to strangers to save a few bucks is worth it.


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