
What do truly inclusive and accessible playgrounds look like?


To make playgrounds accessible and inclusive for children and adults with visual impairments, Unlimited Play uses high-contrast colors in its designs. MacKay also stressed the importance of placing public playgrounds in an area with visual and audio attractions and direct access to public transportation. Villarreal said it’s important for children who are typically developing to play in these inclusive settings because it exposes them to many different types of people and abilities.

Magic Bridge Playground at Mitchell Park in Palo Alto, California opened in 2015. (Magic Bridge Foundation)

When it comes to safety on accessible playgrounds, McKay suggested taking children who have trouble with balance into consideration. For these children, inclusivity may take the form of tunnel slats rather than open slats, or choosing well-thought-out handles throughout the structure.

It is also important to ensure that playgrounds are accessible and inclusive for parents and caregivers with disabilities. Children may miss out on play opportunities if the playground or play space is not accessible to a parent with a disability.

Magical Bridge Stadium at Red Morton Park in Redwood City, California, opens in 2021. (Magic Bridge Foundation)

On school playgrounds, the most common structures like ladders, slides and swings are not designed with inclusion in mind, according to Villarreal. Regardless of ability, there should be more movement options in stadiums, she said. This might mean diversifying movement options to include more swing and spin elements, which could happen Helping children develop and stimulate their nervous systems. Villarreal also stressed the importance of removing the stigma around what may or may not be viewed as an appropriate age on the field because developmental age does not always correlate with physical age.

Financing barriers and low-cost solutions

Funding is one of the biggest hurdles schools face to create accessible playgrounds. As an example, McKay pointed to a recent school project her organization designed that included three separate, inclusive, accessible playgrounds at a total cost of about $900,000, paid for through a school bond. The price of each individual stadium ranged from $150,000 to $450,000. Often, when schools come up with the funding to pay for accessible playgrounds, they don’t cover the cost of the full design and installation, MacKay said. This often means choosing pieces that will contribute to greater accessibility and inclusivity to an existing space, McKay said. In Palo Alto, where the Magic Bridge Foundation is based, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors has done just that Grants offered To public agencies and nonprofit organizations seeking to build inclusive playgrounds.

The Magic Bridge Playground at El Carmelo Elementary School in Palo Alto, California, opens in 2023. (Magic Bridge Foundation)

When looking for low-cost, low-obstacle solutions to an inaccessible playground, McKay recommended creating more Shaded spaces“And if it’s a tree with a bench,” she said, “if it’s a bench, put in a space where someone in a wheelchair can be there.” According to McKay, vertical panels with open activities like rotating pieces or Wheels are about $1,200 each and can provide an interactive and socially engaging play space for all children. She suggested placing the board pieces in creative ways around the playground to provide more opportunities for different types of play and movement. Adding an adaptive swing with a high back and safety harness, designed for children with disabilities Diversity also contributes to providing a more inclusive environment on the field.

A school playground is one place where students can learn about inclusive practices, even when a comprehensive playground overhaul is not in current plans. If teachers “teach [students] “On inclusion in their classroom and then taking them out on the playground and letting them experience what that looks like,” McKay said, “students may have a better understanding of how they can be more inclusive in their own play.” Unlimited Play partners with teachers and schools to develop classroom curriculum to encourage inclusive play, including lesson plans on social awareness and effective communication. The Magical Bridge Foundation also provides educational materials for students, Fathers And Educated people Connected.

Magic Bridge Playground at Mitchell Park in Palo Alto, California opened in 2015. (Magic Bridge Foundation)


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