
STEM vs. STEAM: Differences, Benefits and Implementation Tips


Key differences between STEM and STEAM

STEM and STEAM have a completely different way of approaching scientific matters, with the former focusing only on hard skills. It focuses on enriching learners with practical skills in technology, science, mathematics and engineering. While STEAM also teaches the same basics and focuses on the same concepts, it uses art and a range of hard and soft skills as well. It allows creativity and imagination to be used to understand complex topics while allowing learners with a strong creative side to flourish and pursue their passions. For example, fine art images and 3D models may be imposed to aid understanding, while giving students the freedom to be creative without following strict instructions. However, there is no clear definition for either teaching style as teachers can choose different implementation methods.

What is science, technology, engineering and mathematics?

STEM was formerly known as SMET, which stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Although there is no specific definition, the Learning Method focuses on teaching students these four basics that prepare them for the future and for success in the career paths they choose to follow. The skills you provide are essential to increasing innovation and creating technological progress. There is no clear way to implement it, as some teachers believe that social and political sciences also belong in this field, while others believe that traditional fields such as biology and chemistry deserve a place.

What is steam?

STEM and STEAM are both based on the same foundation, with the important addition of the arts. Employers today value soft skills equally, if not more than hard skills, and therefore, creativity and innovation must be cultivated. Incorporating different forms of art, including dance, drama, music, visual arts and design, into educational curricula helps learners and future job holders make themselves competitive. STEAM primarily focuses on how people communicate and express matters related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics while thinking outside the box to solve complex problems. Within organizations, this learning approach allows students to communicate and solve problems collaboratively.

Benefits of combining STEM and STEAM in education

Innovation, creativity and curiosity

Sometimes, technical knowledge is not enough to solve complex problems, and creative thinking is necessary. STEAM provides the tools needed to increase creativity, innovation, and critical thinking in learners. Students are encouraged to experiment by observing, analyzing and solving complex topics. Therefore, they are never satisfied with what they already know and keep asking questions to discover new methods and solutions. By allowing their minds to open wider and perceive new concepts and information, learners come up with unique ideas that sharpen their problem-solving abilities.

Collaboration and communication

Both STEM and STEAM are concerned with developing practical knowledge in core subjects. However, the latter also encourages cooperation and the exchange of ideas and opinions. Therefore, students learn how to foster healthy interpersonal relationships and work harmoniously to address the task at hand. To succeed in their efforts, students must have empathy, which allows them to listen effectively and respect the ideas of their peers. They also learn to receive feedback and not be offended. Teachers analyze their pupils’ behavior and intervene when necessary. This results in adults who are prepared to work in a wide range of fields and take on leadership roles.

Trust and accept failure

Many people experience failure before succeeding in their field and reaching their goals. Combining STEM and STEAM teaches students to never stop trying different solutions until they find the right one. Until that happens, they may face many failures and moments of doubt. Through resilience, they overcome obstacles and keep pushing. They learn to trust themselves and trust their strengths.

Computational skills and real-world applications

In most traditional educational jobs, students are taught various theoretical concepts without putting their knowledge into practice. When STEM and STEAM are combined, learners are exposed to real scientific equipment and tools. For example, they may learn how to use computer-aided design (CAD) to build a product from scratch. They may also receive programming training so they can put their technological knowledge into practice. There are many curriculum solutions for teachers to take advantage of hands-on training and encourage students to use their skills critically. Exposure to multimedia increases students’ media literacy and prepares them for real-world situations where they must enforce and act on their theoretical knowledge.

Cultural competence

In the real world, people often collaborate and communicate with peers from different cultural backgrounds. Gaps, no matter how small or large, can be bridged when students learn to respect each other from a young age. Through STEAM, pupils are grouped with peers from different cultures and communicate to solve complex problems. They learn more about their unique backgrounds and needs. In addition, teachers may present projects that focus on finding solutions to problems that hinder a very specific population. Therefore, students must research the unique characteristics of this population and find the most appropriate solution.

How can organizations integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEAM)?

Sometimes curricula based on theoretical sciences fail greatly to encourage creativity among learners, but they forget that most innovations and progress happen when people’s brains are left free to imagine and create. So, how can institutions incorporate the arts into their STEM approaches? The first way is through design. Students working to create a product can begin by implementing computer graphics to create logos and improve the look and usability of their items. Design is also closely related to mathematics and engineering. For example, ancient paintings and the Great Pyramids of Egypt followed the golden ratio quite precisely. Furthermore, STEAM provides advanced communications, where students are encouraged to share their ideas, ask questions, and receive feedback. For example, they may sketch an idea to make it understandable to their peers. As a result, the class engages in fun and productive conversations as solutions are created and problems are overcome. Students exercise their critical thinking whenever necessary, and they are excited to go to school every day.


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and STEAM are not rivals fighting to win, but equally productive educational tools that, if combined, can prepare students for the 21st century workplace. While hard skills are mandatory, soft skills are also essential in today’s society, and the arts can instill virtues such as communication, empathy, and leadership. These skills cannot be replicated, automated, or taken away from humans, no matter how advanced technology is. That’s why combining the two approaches can push people toward a new reality where complex technological questions arise every day, and every field has an urgent need to move forward.


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