
These five Reddit communities offer the productivity tips you need


Reddit is an online repository containing almost endless information on every topic imaginable. So maybe there’s some irony in me turning to you for tips on how to increase your productivity. But there are some extremely useful subreddits that can help you stay motivated, disciplined, and efficient — all while saving you a lot of time.

Here are five of the site’s best productivity-boosting communities. Just try not to get immersed in the rest of Reddit while you’re there.


The name should leave no doubt that the productivity subreddit has something valuable to offer. Join discussions about productivity hacks, share your thoughts, and learn from fellow Redditors: there are 2.4 million of them in this subreddit alone.

You’ll find self-help techniques, answers to frequently asked questions, organizational tools, tips on time management, and more—something for everyone.


There are an endless number of productivity applications, but it can be difficult to separate the chaff from the wheat. Fortunately, this Subreddit for Productivity Apps isn’t just about listing apps, but instead offers real reviews by real people to help you decide which apps are worth your time.


Answer the age-old question: Am I unproductive or undisciplined? The Get Disciplined Subreddit can help you overcome the productivity issues we all face. Ask for advice, share your challenges, and find answers from an active community of over 1.6 million members.

r/zain habits

If you’re constantly struggling to feel productive, you may have too much going on. Immerse yourself in the world of simple living, mindfulness, and minimalism in the Zen Habits Subreddit, which encourages intentional choices and supports both physical and mental decline.


Need a boost? Subscribe to the Get Motivated Subreddit, which has 21.5 million Redditors and is full of inspirational quotes, success stories, pep talks, and motivational videos. On those days when you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, a quick visit here can get you back on track in no time.


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