
Dialogue simulation in learning: how and why


What is dialogue simulation in learning?

Dialogue simulation can be used in any online course to prepare professionals for all the possible answers and conversations that may occur between them and colleagues, clients or managers. It is an interactive exercise that improves communication skills and helps predict others’ reactions through dialogues based on real-life scenarios. Each virtual dialogue includes a branching scenario that represents a series of reactions and consequences for everything we say and do. For this reason, course designers must craft these simulations carefully to ensure they are realistic. Read on to learn how to achieve this, as well as explore the benefits of dialogue simulations for learners.

How can organizations build dialogue simulations for e-learning courses?

1. Decide if they need one

Developing dialogue simulations for learning can be difficult, which is why companies should think carefully before designing them. If your only desire is to inform employees about regulations, increase their motivation, and familiarize them with their work, you may want to eliminate this practice. However, if you have a sales team and need to train them on how to better represent your products, this is the way to go. You may also need to decide how sophisticated your simulation needs to be. In some cases, a small dialogue may be sufficient, while on other occasions, longer, more nuanced conversations may be necessary.

2. Create the structure and scenario

The first step in the development process is to create a clear mind map of your branching scenario. This includes where to start the conversation, how the simulation is built and developed, and where to provide feedback. Next, you should choose a compelling scenario, or in other words, a common event in your company that most employees have witnessed, such as a customer complaint. You must create a detailed conversation with various correct and incorrect answers. As a result, specialists can visualize how harmful a wrong answer can be and how beneficial a correct answer can be. In addition, course creators must carefully design the different personalities that employees will have to deal with.

3. Select the type of dialogue

After creating a detailed structure, you must determine the best format for your scenario. Simple simulations are intended to train one employee skill at a time. However, if you need a more comprehensive approach, you can create a complex simulation where multiple skills are trained simultaneously. For example, trainees receive training on how to establish contact with customers, identify their needs, promote products, handle any objections, and close the deal. After that, you can proceed to create the dialogue using the simulation tool. In this step, you can design branching scenarios, create characters, add voiceover, and formulate a scoring system. For example, you can add or subtract points depending on the number of correct and incorrect answers.

4. Test the dialogue

Once the dialogue simulation for your online learning course is ready, run some tests before presenting it to your workforce. Assuming it is effective, you should bring in a group of stakeholders or people who represent your target audience. Make sure the participants are not professionals. Advanced professionals may find the simulation easy and predictable. Instead, choose beginners and let them give their unbiased opinions. Their invaluable insights will help you fix bugs, improve the quality of the simulation, and make the content as useful as possible.

Benefits of using dialogue simulation

They encourage error-based learning

Nothing in life or business has a specific outcome, but the latter depends largely on our behavior. Dialogue simulation in learning gives participants access to different scenarios based on real-life events and conversations. Therefore, in most cases, they have some prior experience with how their reactions affected the situation. However, using dialogue simulations, they can also practice scenarios they have not yet experienced. In order to maintain a safe learning environment, they can try out the different choices provided and find out the best answer and what mistakes they should avoid.

They improve the decision-making process

Trusting your intuition or intuition when dealing with clients may not always be enough. This is why dialogue simulations should be incorporated to show employees all the possible paths a conversation could take and what the outcome of each is. Team members also learn to understand each customer based on their communication style and tone of voice. Therefore, they demonstrate agility by adapting their tactics accordingly and quickly thinking of innovative ways to solve the problem at hand, all while remaining calm. Thanks to their training, they know which decisions are appropriate for each situation and which decisions they should avoid.

It boosts confidence

In traditional training, employers would pass out bulky books to employees so they could read them and learn about their jobs. However, there is a large gap between theory and practice. Dialogue simulation offers a more realistic approach to the nature of the job and the difficulties it presents. Therefore, team members can exercise their abilities and increase their self-confidence. Through engaging and accessible content, they receive first-hand experience that prepares them efficiently for real-life situations. With a high sense of security, they can face any challenge and know how to avoid risks.

They increase knowledge retention

Learners tend to retain more information through interactive activities rather than passive activities. Including dialogue simulations in your course allows participants to experience real-world scenarios and actively think about their actions, rather than just listening to or reading educational materials. But there are more benefits that these simulations bring, because they allow participants to choose their preferred pace, analyze their decisions, recognize their mistakes, and receive timely feedback. They can also ask questions and seek guidance the moment they encounter an obstacle.

They improve communication

Suppose an angry customer calls a salesperson and wants to terminate his contract. The customer is not satisfied but has some complaints that he would like to resolve. It is very easy for an untrained professional to lose his cool and start arguing with the client. By simulating dialogue, trained team members know what the right thing to say is to calm the client and meet his or her needs. This is not the only thing in which dialogue simulation develops communication skills. The company’s workforce also learns how to promote a product or service effectively, engage more customers, and collaborate peacefully and productively.


If you decide to add dialogue simulations to your learning strategy, you should pay attention to the interactivity and accessibility of your content. Gamification has revolutionized the way we conceptualize learning, and people stay engaged when they add gaming elements to their materials. For example, animated characters, real locations, leaderboards, levels, and badges can be added to your simulations. Additionally, content must be accessible and understandable to people of all languages ​​and abilities. That’s why subtitles and voiceovers must be available in different languages, and designers must ensure the software is compatible with assistive technologies.


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