
California is introducing a “right to disconnect” bill that would allow employees to relax


Burnout, quiet quits, strikes – the news (and likely your schedule) is full of signs that workers are overworked and that too much is being expected of them. There is little regulation in the United States to prevent employers from forcing workers to be at their desks or on call at all times, but that may soon change. California Assemblyman Matt Haney introduced AB 2751, a “right to disconnect” proposal. San Francisco standard Reports.

The bill is still in its early stages, but if passed, it would make every employer in California specify exactly what hours a person will work and ensure they are not required to respond to work-related communications outside of work hours. Periods of time during which a salaried employee may have to work longer hours should be specified in his or her contract. There will be exceptions for emergency situations.

The Department of Labor will monitor compliance and fine companies at least $100 for any violations, whether that’s forcing employees to be on Zoom or their inbox, respond to text messages, or monitor Slack when they’re not getting paid to do so. “I think it is appropriate that California, which has created many of these technologies, is also the state that is presenting how to make them sustainable and update our protections for the times we live in and the world we have created,” Haney said. Standard.

It’s not clear how much support there is for AB 2751, but as a major technology and economic hub, the bill has the potential to create massive impact for workers in California, and pressure other states to follow suit. The draft law follows similar legislation in other countries. In 2017, France became the first country to do so Implement the “Right to Disconnect” policy.It is a model that has been imitated in Argentina, Ireland, Mexico and Spain.


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