
How to maintain brand authenticity in a skeptical world


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The digital world has made it harder than ever for brands to stand out in what is quickly becoming an increasingly crowded and competitive market. These days, what really makes or breaks a brand is authenticity. It is an important factor in deciding which brands to support 88% Of consumers, according to Stackla, with another 46% Saying they are willing to pay more for a brand they trust, according to Salsify.

Trust, in particular, is the foundation of all relationships, including those between consumers and brands. It helps create a connection, and that connection can build loyalty. The problem is that the increasing number of scandals and corporate malfeasance has eroded people’s trust in many institutions. In an age of bias, misinformation, and bloated corporate profits, brand trust is never what it used to be. Edelman found just about that 30% of consumers believe that companies spread false or misleading information. This is worrying.

How brands can build trust in the digital world is still a matter of debate, largely because it is difficult to define what it means for a brand to be authentic. What does it mean to be truly authentic? How exactly do you convey authenticity to consumers? Growing and maintaining brand authenticity is difficult, and every brand will do things differently. However, there are some steps all brand leaders can take to get started:

Related: How to build an authentic brand

1. Create boundaries

Trustworthy companies stay the course. They understand who they are and come to the market with a distinct commitment to the brand. Most importantly, they never waver from this commitment, which can go a long way in building online consumer trust. Setting boundaries for your brand not only helps you navigate the digital world, but it also focuses your time and resources on what matters.

LEGO understood this out of the gate, setting its limits within The spirit of play. The brand focused on its impact: creating a toy that prepares a child for life. This ethos extends beyond the product. Even its charitable arm, the LEGO Foundation, was founded with the goal of empowering children to become lifelong learners.

However, keep in mind that boundaries are intended to be formative rather than restrictive. Use these boundaries to guide your marketing efforts, business decisions, and the like. Rely on them to set guidelines for how employees interact with consumers on social media channels. Each channel is a big sandbox in which a lot of people play. Be careful that anyone representing your business does not conflict with your brand ideals.

2. Build credibility

It takes years to build credibility, and it can be lost instantly. Transparency helps, especially when it comes to the “why” of your brand. With transparency, some questions remain about your purpose or value. Many newer brands also go so far as to show how the sausages are “made” or bring their target audience into the beta in hopes of encouraging word of mouth and consumer trust online.

Even after building credibility, you can never take your eye off the ball. Consumers are just one Google search away from discovering whether you are being deceptive or spinning a story to your advantage. Once they see you moving on, they will question every step you take moving forward. Perception is reality, after all. Keep your messages free of spin, and never ignore the inconvenient truth.

If you’re not sure how consumers view your brand, monitor social media. Ask a poll. Hold a focus group. Find out what customers consider important. Engagement allows you to gauge sentiment and get a read on whether your brand is truly staying on your chosen path. Then implement changes that address consumer feedback and monitor the impact. Showing customers that you value their opinions can lead to long-term relationships and an excellent reputation.

Related: How to build credibility and trust through effective content creation

3. Be consistent

Consistency is one of the hallmarks of authenticity, and it entails more than just visual branding. No matter the channel, all messaging from your business should align with your brand identity, mission and values. Otherwise mistrust, if not suspicion, will quickly arise.

Dr. Bronner’s is an excellent example of how a brand can take consistency to another level. Its founder believed in the importance of creating products that have a positive impact on the people who make them and on the larger community, giving rise to the brand Universal principles. These principles are not just words written on a label but the foundation of business. Whether expanding public awareness of environmental and social issues or sourcing fair trade ingredients, there is never any doubt about what Dr. Bronner’s stands for.

This doesn’t mean your brand can never evolve. Consistency and adaptability can coexist, but brand evolution must be intentional and overt when it involves changing your positioning or purpose. And while you may lose customers, keeping your mom is a far cry from how to maintain brand authenticity during periods of brand transition. However, if you do make a change, keep your finger on the pulse of your customer base. Do you follow through on your promises? Do you prioritize the issues that are most important to them?

Related: Why consistency is vital to your branding efforts

the Fight for consumer confidence It’s ongoing, and it won’t end anytime soon. How brands build trust in the digital world starts with authenticity. Smart leaders recognize the need to leverage this concept to build profitable, sustainable businesses that stand the test of time.


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