
Angelina Jolie claims Brad Pitt was abusive before the 2016 plane crash


More details appear about Brad Pitt And Angelina Joliethe past.

In a new April 4 court filing from Jolie — which concerns the former couple’s ongoing legal battle over French winery Chateau Miraval — mischievous The actress claims that Pitt was physically abusive to her before the famous plane crash in 2016, after which Jolie filed for divorce.

“Although Pitt’s history of physical abuse of Jolie began long before the family’s September 2016 plane trip from France to Los Angeles, this trip was the first time he directed physical abuse at children as well,” the filing said. Then Julie immediately left him.”

Since the couple announced their legal separation in 2019, Pitt and Jolie have shared custody of their six children.Maddox, pax, Zahra, Shiloh And twins Vivian And Knox– Between the ages of 8 and 15 at the time of the alleged plane altercation.

H! The news reached Jolie and Pitt’s representatives and they received no comment. However, a source familiar with the lawsuit said: “This is a pattern of behavior – when there is a decision that goes against the other side, they continually choose to provide misleading, inaccurate and/or irrelevant information as a means of distraction.”


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