
Business owners share how to manage stress and protect mental health


Many entrepreneurs put all their energy into running their businesses, sometimes leaving their physical and mental health behind. Fortunately, there are ways to manage stress and avoid burnout, as members of our online small business community share below.

Manage stress effectively while running a business

Running a business can be stressful. But there are ways to manage stress so that it does not significantly affect your health. Get tips In this post Aha!NOW by Emma Williams.

Get paid to walk

Walking is one of the best exercises for people of all ages and fitness levels. There are even ways to build a business surrounding this activity. This post is by Neil Taliercio on the Women at Work at Home blog Features Many exciting opportunities.

Think about the impact of different conditions on mental health

Health conditions like hearing loss can have far-reaching effects, especially when it comes to mental health. This may impact business owners, team members, and customers in different ways. So, learning about the effects can be helpful even for those who don’t have this personal experience. In Strella’s social media post, Rachel Strella Involved Try it.

Learn from the most important psychological studies in history

Running a successful business often requires understanding customer psychology. There have been many studies over the years that provide valuable insights into this concept. is reading About many of them in this DZ Insights post by Megha Khandelwal.

Think about the benefits of being an introvert in the business world

Introverts have many qualities that can be useful in the business world. But these qualities are not always clear. Whether you’re an introvert or thinking about partnering with one, here you are Guide For the benefits of Ivan Widjaja from BizPenguin.

Keep your business protected

Today’s businesses face many threats. This can lead to increased pressure on business owners. Follow safety tips In this This Small Biz Tipster post by Lisa Sicard can help with your business and mental health. After reading, visit the BizSugar community to read more ideas Of the members.

Write a strong mission statement for your company

A strong mission statement provides a sense of direction for your business. It can also keep you focused on the important things, so you don’t get burned out on unnecessary tasks. He learns How to create one in this Crowdspring post by Ross Kimbarovsky.

Prioritize quality assurance for websites

The quality and functionality of your website is absolutely essential to the success of your business. Therefore quality assurance must be a top priority. This Invesp post is by Simbar Dube Includes A guide to ensuring website quality for small businesses.

Add some fun to your work with Friday games

Having some fun while running your business can make it more meaningful for you and your team. Weekly games may be the perfect way to create this type of positive environment. He learns more This blog is mostly by Janice Wald.

Build trust in phone conversations

Telephony is often a large component of business operations. However, many entrepreneurs lack confidence in this area. If you want to become more comfortable on the phone, read the Small Biz Viewpoints post written by Harry and Sally Vaishnav For tips.

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Image: Envato Elements


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