
Office or home: How to adapt to hybrid working


Office or home: How to adapt to hybrid working

All the changes that have occurred after the global pandemic have caused a major shift in the way we work. Remote work was the number one work trend, but as the world returns to its pre-pandemic normal, hybrid work is starting to make headway. This accommodates many employees because it is a flexible model that combines remote and in-office work. As companies rethink how they engage with their employees, and employees reconsider how important work-life balance is, hybrid work is the perfect solution that combines productivity and flexibility. Adapting to this new normal is not an option; It’s a necessity. Gone are the rigid schedules, mandatory office attendance, and long in-person meetings, making way for a more inclusive and accommodating work environment. Below, we’ll explore 6 tips that can help employees adapt to hybrid working and the important role employers play in this shift.

6 ways to seamlessly transition to hybrid working

1. Create a home office

Creating your home business corner isn’t just about having a place that looks good as a backdrop at meetings. It’s about creating a workspace that makes you feel productive. If you don’t have a lot of work to do when you work from home, even the kitchen table or sofa is enough to answer a few emails. But when you have a heavier workload, a dedicated workspace can make a big difference. Make sure to customize it with things that motivate you and make your job easier. For example, a desk organizer, notebook, ergonomic chair, or ergonomic desk can make tackling tasks easier. Finally, make sure to stay away from distractions. Talk to your family members about your work hours and set some ground rules, such as no noise during work hours or meetings, no entry without knocking, etc.

2. Time management

Every hybrid worker should work on improving their time management skills to balance working from home and in the office. First, consider the importance of maintaining work-life balance on work-from-home days. Work days, on the other hand, are a stabilizing force in your work week. Use this time for socializing, group projects, personal meetings, and communicating with your colleagues on work-related matters. Regarding workload, many people complain that working from home makes them work more. It’s true, because it’s much easier to fall into the trap of juggling multiple tasks without taking breaks. What you can do is create a schedule according to when you are most productive. For example, if you’re not a morning person, you might work lighter when you start your work day and pick up the pace when you get into the evening.

3. Collaboration tools

When adapting to a hybrid work model, collaboration tools are like your trusted companions that change the way you work, keeping you close to your coworkers and helping you complete projects much faster. Let’s use video conferencing as an example. You won’t be able to work the same way if you don’t meet your colleagues online when working from home. The same goes for chat apps that allow you to stay in touch with your team and exchange updates and insights in real time. All of these programs are what make your work possible when you are not in the office. So, it is important to choose the right tools to make your daily tasks easier. That’s why you and your teammates should communicate your needs and wants to managers and leaders so they can find the perfect platforms for collaboration, communication, and project management.

4. Create boundaries

As mentioned earlier, people tend to be available all the time when working from home because they have their laptops and phones by their side. When working hybridly, people tend to socialize when they have access to peers. Although it wouldn’t hurt to respond to a few emails or messages after you finish work, it’s not good for your work-life balance or your mental health. Feel free to set boundaries and express your availability with your teammates. Once your work hours are over, turn off notifications and relax at home and do the things you love. However, you also need to set boundaries with yourself. When working in an office, it’s even more obvious when you need to take a break. So why can’t you do it at home too? Set a consistent schedule for when you can pause work and inform your team if they reach out to you while you’re relaxing.

5. Be flexible

Just as your team should respect your boundaries and work around them sometimes, so should you. Hybrid working is a flexible model, but it requires additional flexibility from each employee. First, you have to be able to adapt to changing circumstances. You may have to work from the office on days when you will be working from home or filling in for a colleague who is feeling under the weather. Additionally, not everyone works the same way. This can be difficult when some employees are spread around the world and others are in the office. Once you consider your colleagues’ work styles, you’ll find that everything goes smoothly from there. For example, you should respect the time when people need their peace to be productive. The same applies to understanding that others need constant communication to make sure projects are on track.

6. Updating digital skills

New technologies and tools are constantly emerging to make your job easier, so you must keep your digital skills sharp. It’s not enough to send emails, organize meetings, or assign tasks to colleagues in your project management tool. You need to continue expanding your knowledge to find more effective ways to do your tasks as well. For example, if you learn data analytics and artificial intelligence, you can auto-complete reports and just check them for discrepancies. Moreover, while you are there searching for what’s new in the world of technology, you can find programs that can provide innovative solutions to common problems in the workplace. And let’s not forget that the more technical skills you acquire, the less help you’ll need from your expert peers when it comes to troubleshooting. So, there’s no need to disrupt your workday anymore when your printer is running or your Wi-Fi is down.


Hybrid work is here to stay, and most people wouldn’t have it any other way. This is because this business model gives employees the freedom to choose their schedule, the flexibility to focus on their personal lives, and support their needs and preferences. The above strategies serve as a practical guide for employees to adapt to hybrid working and discover the working style that suits them best.


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