
Isabella Strahan’s brain cancer journey, in her own words


Isabella StrahanHannah’s ongoing battle with brain cancer has been full of highs and lows, but she has kept her head high through it all.

19 year old daughter Michael Strahan And Jean Muggli She approaches her health journey in an inspiring way, often sharing candid updates about her treatments while maintaining a positive attitude. Since being diagnosed with medulloblastoma in October, Isabella has faced unimaginable challenges, but she continues to look on the bright side.

Even when she hits a roadblock, most recently a third brain surgery, the teen doesn’t falter.

“It’s not as bad as the first time,” Isabella shared about her craniotomy in an April 12 video on her YouTube channel, which she started as a way to document her battle with cancer. “My face isn’t as swollen as it was last time, but it hurts to do anything.”

Despite feeling extremely uncomfortable, Isabella keeps her spirits up. In fact, her family says they learned the true meaning of resilience and strength just by watching her.


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