
Teen Mom’s Macy and Taylor reveal their biggest marriage struggle


Which means a night on the couch can be just as romantic as a fancy dinner AF.

Even if it takes 10 minutes to reconnect, “you can get the same thing you can on a date night,” Massey insisted. “So it’s small wins, and small windows go a very long way.”

No matter what happens, they always remember that they share a bunker, so to speak.

“We have this thing we say, it’s like cheering for the home team,” Massey said. “So, even sometimes when we feel like we’re opponents, it’s not, we’re rooting for the home team.”

And whenever they feel like carpooling, supervising homework, and the million other things it takes to successfully run a household are causing them to reach a boiling point, Taylor agreed, “I think we do a good job of taking a step back and being like, ‘Hey, we’re on the same team.'”


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