
Breaking down barriers to measuring ROI


Show the impact of learning and development

According to a LearnUpon survey, learning teams no longer have to fight for a seat at the executive table. [1] They are now front and center, with companies seeing their value more than ever before. With this comes more investment in learning (which is very exciting!), but it also means more expectations. So, what does this mean for learning leaders?

We believe it means potential. With more than 6 in 10 R&D leaders (61%) saying they have a higher budget this year than they have since 2019, there is an opportunity to spend more on the technology and resources needed to make a big impact.

On the other hand, there is potential risk. When a company invests in something, it puts learning teams under the microscope, with greater pressure to get their strategies right – and prove it through strong ROI metrics.

Challenges of measuring return on investment in research and development

While it’s great that organizations are empowering their learning teams more and more, it can be difficult to demonstrate the impact of learning on the organization. So, what areas should you look at to stop barriers to measurement?

Compatibility with leadership

More than half of participants in the LearnUpon ROI guide research said their organizations lacked learning objectives, and 41% said they were unsure what to measure. to Create strategic alignmentGoals should come from your organization’s leadership, and they should be clear and actionable. It is critical that you build a learning strategy that includes all leaders throughout the organization. This doesn’t have to be difficult; Start by opening the lines of communication with those in leadership.

Establish metrics for success

You’ll need to create primary and secondary metrics. Most will have key external business metrics as their core metrics. These can include:

  • Increase retention
  • Reduced churn
  • Increase sales/promotions

More inward-facing results will be secondary metrics, such as:

  • Increase employee engagement/satisfaction
  • Reduced boarding times
  • Discount on support tickets
  • Highest NPS

Find relevant data

For more than 4 in 10 (44%) of respondents to this ROI guide, lack of data was the main reason for not measuring ROI. Another 43% cited a lack of resources. It’s essential to reach out to other leaders in your organization to help find the data you need. After all, they need to track their own metrics, so it’s safe to bet they’re already reporting on what you need.

But remember that obtaining this data should not be a one-time thing. Make sure you meet with team leaders and management regularly to follow up (keep that relationship going) and discuss trends and ideas they’ve seen. This will ensure that you are not alone in tracking the numbers and ensure that you are always up to date with the numbers you need.

What are the solutions?

Rethink your time

We fully believe that your learning team should spend their valuable time on strategies that provide a return on investment. And reduce stress in other ways, like improving how you create and deliver your content. Brandon Hall Group said 2023 represents “an opportunity to employ new methods, technologies and strategies.” [2] This is where things like artificial intelligence and automation can come into play.

With a new world of tools at your fingertips, you can now use generative AI to accelerate course creation and machine learning to scale engaging, personalized learning. And with cutting-edge workflow engines in learning solutions quickly becoming the norm, you have Ability to automate Daily tasks, such as user creation, registrations, and more. Embracing these techniques will help get you and your team out of the weeds of constant engagement with tactical work. Instead, you have the freedom to invest time in more strategic work that will have an impact on the organization’s ROI.

Track and evaluate constantly

No matter what organizational goals you are under pressure to achieve, the only way to reach them is to build a strategy for measuring your learning outcomes. Next, you’ll need to implement that strategy and continually monitor your results. It’s all about proving the ROI of your software.

ROI is a powerful metric, but it’s also one that learning leaders constantly struggle with. Proving ROI is more important than ever, as companies increasingly expect learning programs to have an impact on key business metrics. We recommend using ROI formula or calculator Specific to your educational goals. In it you’ll find editable formulas for onboarding new employees, sales, customers, and partner training. Start accurately measuring the most powerful metric in your arsenal today and showcase how important learning and development is to your organization.


[1] Learning status report

[2] Corporate learning trends for 2023 revealed: A deep dive

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Learn on LMS

At LearnUpon LMS, we’re on a mission to help you unleash the power of learning. Combining our award-winning Learning Management System (LMS) with our industry-leading customer experience team, we’re proud to be a trusted partner to over 1,300 businesses.


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