
TechCrunch Minute: Where the Apple Vision Pro now stands, the launch day hype has subsided


A few months after its launch, how is Apple’s Vision Pro performing? The company’s ambitious bet on computers that rest on your face instead of on your desk created quite a buzz when it was announced and subsequently released. However, the hype seems to have since come back down to earth.

In the long run I’m all for augmented reality, virtual reality, and face computers in general. I still remember my first session with what later became the Microsoft Hololens project as one of the most influential moments in my enthusiasm for technology. So, partly to my dismay, the hype around the Apple Vision Pro has died down more quickly than I expected.

Of course, with the Pro moniker, its hefty price, and uneven developer support so far, Apple’s new device has a long way to go. But I expected the Apple brand to keep its devices in the news — and at the top of our collective minds — for longer than it managed to achieve after launch.

For now, we’re still in the dark as to the device’s popularity. Sure, some people have returned their products and TechCrunch’s own review was average to positive, but that doesn’t mean most people get their Apple Vision Pro back, or that some users enjoy the gadget any more than we did.

Hopefully, Apple and Meta, with their Quest line of virtual reality headsets, don’t give up until they solve this exact problem. I find it archaic that my screen is more like a digital whiteboard when it should be built into my glasses. Press play, let’s have some fun.


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